Mexican Caribbean

Grand Park Royal Cancun Grand Park Royal Cozumel The Villas Cancun by Grand Park Royal Park Royal Beach Cancun

Mexican Pacific

Grand Park Royal Puerto Vallarta Park Royal Beach Acapulco Park Royal Beach Huatulco Park Royal Beach Ixtapa Park Royal Beach Mazatlán Park Royal Homestay Los Cabos Park Royal Homestay Los Tules Puerto Vallarta


Park Royal City Buenos Aires


Park Royal Miami Beach Park Royal Orlando

Puerto Rico

Park Royal Homestay Club Cala Puerto Rico
Hotels highlights
Cancún, México
Grand Park Royal Cancun
Cozumel, Mexico
Grand Park Royal Cozumel
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Grand Park Royal Puerto Vallarta
Acapulco, Mexico
Park Royal Beach Acapulco
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Great Christmas Presale Get up to 20% off!

Experience a dream Christmas in the best destinations! Book early and take advantage of an exclusive discount on your reservation.

Terms and Conditions:

Book by September 20, 2024 and get up to 20% off* + free roundtrip airport-hotel-airport transportation** + up to 9 MSI for stays through December 22, 2025. *Registration to Loyalty Experiences by Park Royal required. Join for free. **Applicable to Cancun and Cozumel destinations when booking 4+ nights.

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