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Visit the Casa Bacardi Puerto Rico

Destinations 05/12/2023
a series of bat emblems with the year 1999 at the bottom
Puerto Rico has a wide tourist and leisure offer. It is a formidable vacation destination, therefore, from Park Royal Homestay Club Cala Puerto Rico we want to talk to you about one of the mandatory stops if you visit the city of San Juan, Casa Bacardí and its iconic rum distillery.

Join us in this article and we will tell you a little about the history of this renowned rum company and the different types of visits and tours that can be carried out, without a doubt, a highly recommended experience.

History of the Bacardi House


In 1862, the couple formed by Facundo Bacardí Massó and Amalia Moreau founded the Bacardi alcoholic beverage company in Santiago de Cuba after having moved from Barcelona where they were originally from during their adolescence.

After a long process of trial and error, Don Facundo was able to develop a softer and sweeter alcoholic beverage, achieving a different rum that contrasted very well with the liquor that was widely consumed at the time.

History of the Bacardi House

Bat symbol

Don Facundo Bacardi's wife discovers a colony of bats in the distillery they had recently acquired. These fruit bats had a special meaning in Barcelona, the place of origin of marriage where it was said that these animals are symbols of good fortune, brotherhood and fidelity.

At the same time, these bats are great natural partners for the cultivation of sugar cane with which rum is made, since they are responsible for pollinating the crops and feed on insects and parasites that harm this plant.

For these reasons, from that moment on the new symbol of the company would be the iconic Bacardi bat.

The Bacardi House Puerto Rico

Already in 1936, the alcoholic beverage company had expanded very significantly and opened a distillery in Puerto Rico due to the high price of tariffs that were paid to send rum to the United States.

Finally, due to the tense situation that was being experienced in Cuba due to the revolution, the Bacardi family decided to move all its main operations to the island of Puerto Rico where a few years ago they had built the new distillery.

Today, Casa Bacardí Puerto Rico is one of the main companies on the island and even the Secretary of Puerto Rico himself, Ferdinand Mercado, has commented that the first thing many tourists ask when they arrive on the island is where to find the Bacardi House.

Bat symbol

Guided tours

Casa Bacardí is one of the main tourist attractions in Puerto Rico and as we mentioned at the beginning of the article, there are different types of tours and guided visits that include different experiences depending on the price of the ticket.

If you are on vacation in Park Royal Homestay Club Cala Puerto Rico we invite you to take one of the rum factory tours, we are sure it will be an incredible experience.

Founder's experience

This tour allows you to enjoy an experience guided by the mentality and the centuries-old process with which Don Facundo Bacardi managed to achieve a smooth and exclusive liquid.

At the same time, you can enjoy a multisensory experience for the most lovers of this tropical drink.

Founder's experience

Price: $200 + taxes

This tour includes:

• Welcome cocktail in the pavilion

• VIP visit

• Visit to the tropical rum aging warehouse

• Rum tasting with local pairing

• Visit to the gift shop

Mixology class

In this type of tour they will teach you how to make top-notch cocktails such as the Mojito or the Piña Colada while you learn the history of these drinks as well as some tricks and skills of a professional mixologist.

Mixology class

Price: $75 + taxes

This tour includes:

• Welcome cocktail in the pavilion

• Cart ride through the facilities

• Mixology class

• Visit to the gift shop

Tour with rum tasting

Discover how to taste rum the right way and become a pro at this tropical drink. You can try the most premium Bacardi rums with a chocolate pairing and learn more about the most awarded rum brand in history.

Tour con cata de ron

Price: $75 + taxes

This tour includes:

• Welcome cocktail in the pavilion

• Cart ride through the facilities

• Visit to the Bacardi family museum

• Rum tasting and chocolate pairing

• Visit to the gift shop

“The Legacy” Tour

Take an authentic journey back in time through the history of Bacardi and its heritage, enjoying welcome drinks and a tasting of the Casa Bacardí Reserva Especial, which there is no other place in the world where you can find it.

Tour “El Legado”

Price: $30

This tour includes:

• Welcome cocktail in the pavilion

• Cart ride through the facilities

• Movie at the Bacardi Visit Center

• Tasting of Casa Bacardi Special Reserve rum

• Visit to the gift shop

Finally, we leave you here the official Bacardi website from where you can buy your entrance tickets. We hope you enjoy it!

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