Our partners to make your stay safe
Sustainability 18/11/2021
These last two months of the year are perfect to recap everything we have achieved during 2021, and in Park Royal Hotels & Resorts we have a big reason to celebrate cause in terms of protocols and security for our guests, we`ve gone a long way and little by little pandemic has yielded thanks to the care and joint cooperation.
And it is undeniable that this effort would not be possible without the disposition of all our guests and collaborators who have visited Park Royal Hotels and Resorts and have cooperated punctually with the established protocols.
In this Newsletter Holiday Edition, we would like to share with our readers that this success has been thanks to the intervention of Cristal International Standards®, a British company that offers solutions to manage and avoid health risks in our hotels and resorts. They have been such an important piece on the Covid-19 containment and had created our well-known Safe Guest Program.
How do they do it?
Cristal International Standards® has many areas of protection, but specifically talking about Park Royal Hotels & Resorts, the focus on 5 specific ones:
1.- Public areas/POSICHECK Covid-19 Certification: Effective systems to prevent the propagation of infectious diseases like Covid-19
2. Guest rooms/ROOMCHECK Certification: Monitors and compares room cleaning operations against an international reference point for the performance and levels of hygienic cleaning.
3. Food & beverage/FOODCHECK Certification: Based on recommended processes by world governments to guarantee safe restaurants and maximum levels of hygiene in food.
4. Water system/AQUACHECK Water System Certification: Significantly reduces the risk of infection for Legionnaires disease and includes precise maintenance records, temperatures, and levels of disinfection.
5. Pools/POOLCHECK Certification: The Cristal System guarantees clean and clear pool water, a safe environment, and the correct working condition of the equipment.
Thanks to these actions at Park Royal Hotels & Resorts, we have improved our protocols and security standards that help our guests to enjoy a great and safe experience.
This 2021 Cristal International Standards® is also walking through an interesting rebranding process under the name of Intertek Cristal®, whose value offer is focused on extending its offer at the convenience of more than 50 countries that today use its services because of their reliability in terms of prevention.
At Park Royal Hotels & Resorts we celebrate this new stage of our partners and we extend our congratulations to our guests to allow us to take care of their experience during this time.
Together we are moving forward to contain the pandemic!