Mexican Caribbean

Grand Park Royal Cancun Grand Park Royal Cozumel The Villas Cancun by Grand Park Royal Park Royal Beach Cancun

Mexican Pacific

Grand Park Royal Puerto Vallarta Park Royal Beach Acapulco Park Royal Beach Huatulco Park Royal Beach Ixtapa Park Royal Beach Mazatlán Park Royal Homestay Los Cabos Park Royal Homestay Los Tules Puerto Vallarta


Park Royal City Buenos Aires


Park Royal Miami Beach Park Royal Orlando

Puerto Rico

Park Royal Homestay Club Cala Puerto Rico
Hotels highlights
Cancún, México
Grand Park Royal Cancun
Cozumel, Mexico
Grand Park Royal Cozumel
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Grand Park Royal Puerto Vallarta
Acapulco, Mexico
Park Royal Beach Acapulco
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A gift almost as great as our gratitude!

Hotels & Resorts 10/11/2021
a lobby of a hotel with a couch and chairs
2022 has arrived and with it, our renovations to enjoy your stay even more! At Park Royal Hotels & Resorts we appreciate your preference for choosing us as your hosts in all our destinations during 2021.

This year comes loaded with new challenges, which we are convinced we will overcome, because our main engine is your smile, and that emotion we feel every time we welcome you to pamper you like never before.

We have worked to improve our hotels and resorts so that, upon arrival, you will find not only our staff to receive you with a warm and attentive service to your needs, but also facilities that are the ideal setting for your best moments.

Meet one of the improvements, implemented, within Park Royal Beach Huatulco!

Yes, Park Royal Beach Huatulco was renovated!

The lobby and lobby bar by their nature are spaces that need to give the feeling of wide spaces, for this reason floors, walls and fountains were replaced, in order to offer our guests a fresh and renewed environment.

The decorative elements used in these renovations are based on Zapotec architecture, Huichol art and alebrijes that, together, pay homage to our origins and the rich culture characteristic of Mexico.

In this way, and thanks to your preference, we continue to work on offering inspiring spaces to make your next visit a memorable experience, because at Park Royal Hotels & Resorts, we know that the magic of a great stay is born from the sight.

Thanks for your preference!

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